Salmon Fishing on the River Tay
The Meikleour Arms
Perth, Scotland
One of the first things I knew we had to do on our trip to Scotland was go fishing on one of the infamous Scottish rivers. Dan loves to fish and I mostly just love being outdoors, relaxing and watching him do what he loves, but fishing is fun too! Just thinking about our day on the Tay makes me feel happy & relaxed.
There are so many rivers in Scotland with so many options when it comes to fishing spots. It can be a little overwhelming making the decision about where to fish. Your best resource when it comes to making that decision is FishPal. Their website is super easy to navigate and gives you a ton of information about fishing in Scotland so you can pick the best location for your trip.
We opted for the bank fishing, but they also do boat fishing. Being on the bank we were able to slowly move up the bank throughout the morning and then the ghillie picked us up halfway through the day to take us back to the ghillie house for lunch.
The day before our trip we stopped at a really wonderful little market called the Gloagburn Farm Shop in Perth. It was the perfect spot to get all of our lunch supplies for the fishing day! They sell all kinds of fresh breads, meats, cheeses, desserts, lots of local beers, wine, and lots of beautiful locally made crafts!
Lunch was one of my favorite parts of the day! Not only did we have some delicious items from the Gloagburn Farm Shop, but we had the company of the ghillies and the other fishermen that were also on the river for the day. It was a great meal sharing stories of travels, adventures, and of course fishing.
After lunch the ghillie dropped us off at a different spot on the river so we were able to fish at several different spots. Unfortunately we did not catch any salmon. However, Dan did catch a decent sized pike which was an exciting bonus to the day.
We spent the rest of the afternoon enjoying the beautiful weather and fishing further up the river until we reached the beautiful Kinclaven Bridge. We didn't catch anything else in the afternoon, but it was still a wonderful end to an incredible day.
Check out the Meikleour Arms for more info on fishing, dining, and accomodations on this beautiful estate!
Adventure Always.
Mary Kate
Looking for more?? Check out my Ultimate U.K. RoadTrip Itinerary for an epic 17 day adventure through England & Scotland!